nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days. – doug larson



had the lucky opportunity

to play

on navin field

where there is

so much history

on the corner


michigan and trumbull

former home of the detroit tigers

with friends of all ages

some new

some old


and after our pre-game



angel food cake and spray whipped cream

IMG_0659 (1)

my team

‘the winners’

(with our littles m.i.a.)

IMG_0664took to the field

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and there was plenty of action



11038081_942402319114290_2014887356564753863_n (2)yep

that’s a triple

he’s talking about

IMG_0673and lots of equipment


and a power bench

with plenty

of big names

11165306_942402465780942_2221009971899881131_n (1)


even a little rain

didn’t stop us

we just refueled



 a loyal member

of the grounds crew

made sure

we took

care of

this sacred ground

 even though

‘the winners’ lost

and we had some blood

and lots of mud

and wonderful unique ways of playing

we all had such a great day


and we held

our post-game celebration

at nemo’s

another detroit tradition

with a classic easy to order menu of

burgers, cheeseburgers, fries, beer, pop and water


and i saw

my family crest

on the wall

and it was like going all the way home.

26 responses »

  1. This is a great posting Beth, and by the way is there any of that Angel food cake and whipped cream left? 😉 Well I only said… Have a fantastic Thursday my sweet friend 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fun living, Beth. Congratulations on keeping the traditition of the Tigers field alive with the winners and the losers and the big uns and the littles and all the important people of that most important day. I wish I could have joined you all as a representative from the New York Mets’ fandom. 🙂 Hooray Detroit Tigers’ lovers. The restaurant sounds like a burger heaven, too. Yum yum.

    Liked by 1 person

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