fashion is not about clothes, it is about a look. – carine roitfeld



they say

clothes don’t make the man


a fashion-forward rotweiller

on a gray, rainy day

strolling among the humans

to raise money


type 1 diabetes research

in her ballet-soft tutu

sure shows some

style and class.

age and size are only numbers.

it’s the attitude you bring to clothes

that makes the difference.

-donna karan


35 responses »

  1. I used to work for a company that contributed heavily to juvenile diabetes research. They even had an office in our building. The president of the company had a son who had it.

    A Rottweiler in a tutu… that’s great!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love, love, love! You have to wonder if the dogs really do feel special in their little outfits! We use a “ThunderShirt” to calm our dog when there are storms, which scare her, and she loves the thing! It absolutely calms her… they say it feels like a hug to them… don’t really know if it’s the fabric or the association she makes with it though, when we tell her she’s all better with her shirt on! It’s all just too funny, but I do love seeing dogs dressed up, especially for Halloween!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Am right now with a fashion conscious friend in the mountains – are having this discussion daily. But she IS old and wrinkled, but ever so slim and miles fitter than i am and we tease each other constantly and lovingly. Her in the tutu, me in the leggins with a fun frock over them….. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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