64 responses »

  1. It is an awesome, natural and charismatic way of expressing oneself. I love this quote and the soulful man (although flawed) who said this.
    The movie with Jamie Foxx is one of my favorite autobiographical films. Portraying a legend was an awesome accomplishment! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We had the wind as well. Terrified Emily, who ran away. I have her house held down with huge rocks but the wind tossed the tarp from under them, like they were pebbles. Benches, chairs overturned, branches down (I have old trees right by my house and I was kind of worried that a huge branch would fall on my roof). It felt as if the house was being beaten with heavy pillows, by someone realllllly tall. Two days of it. Things are calm now. So sorry about the power outage. I hope you are warm enough and that things are back to normal soon. Too cold to be without heat, that’s for sure.

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  3. My heart bleeds for you. We’re five months past Hurricane Matthew in Savannah, and we’re still dealing with fallen trees. Power (and water) out for a week, here at the homestead. I missed water and refrigerator most.

    Hope yours is restored quickly.

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