

when we set out on our hike 

to see what spring animals

were out there

we thought maybe

we’d see a bear

awakening from a long winter’s nap

though we most likely 

scared any creature

who happened to be in our oncoming path

or most anywhere in the vicinity

with our marching and laughing and yelling and jumping

and then

we looked closer

and at last

found an animal

passed over by many

who was not afraid of us

just waiting to to be discovered 

a single ant. 

“life is denied by lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece.”

-nadia boulanger

36 responses »

  1. What a delightful story! I hope the ant appreciated your attention!

    Thanks for dropping by my place — I love your blog and will be back. I too am an eternal optimist and I’m really good at keeping my fingers crossed — and believing it makes a difference! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love your description of the kinders, Beth! As boisterous as hockey players! 🙂 The ant probably left a little trail where the other ants can arrive when they feel safer. Very cool parade/hike!!🎉👧👦

    Liked by 1 person

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