“old dogs care about you, even when you make mistakes.” -tom t. hall


i really enjoyed a relaxed game night with

a group of long-time friends

a couple of grandies


a few old dogs

just like most of us there

the old dogs

have lived full lives

one is lame

one is deaf

one is blind

 all have their challenges

and one thing in common

they love being with the people they love.

“old dogs can be a regal sight.

their exuberance settles over the years into a seasoned nobility,

their routines become as locked into yours

as the quietest and kindest of marriages.

-gail caldwell

image credit: pinterest.co.uk, steiff dog on wheels, brown and black mohair


31 responses »

  1. I hope your evening with games, grandies and the old dogs was fun. I love my games nights when the boxed games come out and the laughs are free and easy. The old dogs can relax and dream of bones to come, no panic in their hearts as long as you’re safe.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Beth! I’m your follower formerly known as ArtReach. I’ve been away from the bloggersphere for a while. Good to be back reading your posts. I’ve just completed a landscape that includes a beloved old dog. Hope to be posting the piece soon. I guess “great minds/bloggers” do think alike afterall!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Even though this post only has a few lines, it makes me recall my old golden days when my dog was with me. I have to admit that I miss him so damn much. Owen, his name, was my tenth birthday gift from my parents. He was husky with white ears, and his short tail was always waving crazily whenever we played around. I used to wake up early and walked him around my neighborhood, then we would have a small morning exercise session in which we ran after each other in the nearest park. At that time, I had no idea about social media platforms, but I think it was the happiest time I have ever had in my life because I had no worries. Just me and my beloved Owen.
    Time flew, and he became older. He could barely see anymore, so he had to stay at one place most of the time because he used to fall down the stairs once. I cried like a child when he died because I felt like I lost my best friend. My memories about him rise again when I read your lines. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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