

it’s national toasted marshmallow day

and all i can think of

is my very favorite dessert –


introduced in the united states years ago

by the scouts of america

the s’more

is still much loved by so many.

actual marshmallow health and safety tips from the boy scouts of america guidebook:

When roasting your marshmallows, a light brown skin is sufficient. Having the marshmallow engulfed in flames may cause panic and flinging of hot marshmallow onto someone.

Have a properly stocked first-aid kit available (and have trained first-aid Scouts and adults on hand).

Roasting marshmallows can be fun, but care should be taken so that participants do not become injured by burns or punctures.

If you are on a campout, thoroughly clean your hands and face before hitting the sleeping bag. The smell of marshmallows and chocolate are known to attract various animals.

S’mores are great for an evening snack or cracker barrel, just before bedtime. On campouts, the sugar rush is just enough so that the youth will sleep soundly through the night.


“my favorite vegetable is the marshmallow.”

-jim gaffigan

photo and tips credits: scouting magazine

43 responses »

  1. How could I resist a post about marshmallows? We don’t have s’mores in Australia. When I first read it in an article a year or two ago, I thought it was a typo. 🙂
    I love this: “Having the marshmallow engulfed in flames may cause panic and flinging of hot marshmallow onto someone.” It’s hilarious. Thank you for the smiles. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve taken photos of the marsh mallow that was the forerunner of all this — it’s a pretty flower. As for an instruction manual for s’mores? Well, maybe not. After all, everyone knows that the best way to consume a fire-roasted marshmallow is to burn it, eat the outside, burn it again, eat the outside… If you’re really good, you can get four or five crispy treats from one marshmallow.

    Liked by 1 person

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