press on.



to and from school each day

is always a bit of an adventure/misadventure

depending upon one’s perspective.

it’s not unusual for me

to get a hands-free text or call

from one of my teaching partners 

in response to something going on in the road ahead:

 an animal crossing, tire blowout, accident, truck spill, something on fire,

weather delays, political motorcade, funeral procession,

waving mascots, emergency vehicles, pop-up detours, construction,

or that old standby:

unusually heavy traffic due to the no-reason reason.

at this point

i turn up my music or book.

 whoever happens to arrive first

will let our office know that the other

may be on time,


10  minutes late,


will arrive at a yet to be determined time before school lets out for the day.

fortunately we work with a very understanding administration.

the only thing i’ve learned to expect

is that 

  with each curve of the road

there is the very real possibility of a new surprise. 

“all you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.”

– earl nightingale





image credit: tokyoweekender

21 responses »

  1. I don’t miss the school drop offs – I used to get so angry at all the inconsiderate drivers with their SUVs, their Starbucks and their cell phones, inconveniencing everyone around them. I stay as far away from schools when they are in session, because of all the questionable driving practices that occur on a daily basis.

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