

after what had turned into

a very crazy up and down and all over the place day

i had one last task to complete

making a copy of a document to be delivered

realized i was at my limit

when i held up my car key

pointed it at the big red doors

trying to use the door open button on my key

to exit the store.

 it didn’t work.

then the door did open.

i made eye contact with someone entering the store

while i was trying to push button my way out.

we both smiled.

tomorrow is another day.

“humor comes from the surprise release of some buried tension.”

-lorrie moore

47 responses »

  1. Oh that type of thing sounds so familiar. This could have totally been me as well, if I had a car. The other day, late at night when I was already really tired, I opened the fridge trying to throw away empty cat food packets… Instead of opening the cupboard door that the trash bin is actually behind. Also, the fridge and cupboard with the trash are on opposite ends and sides of the kitchen. Yeah, I have no idea… Things like that happen a lot when I’m exhausted and overly tired lol. Thankfully I usually realise it before doing something silly. Have a relaxing Sunday!!! Hugs ❤

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