

we all know that person

who uses pretentious words as a means to impress

which generally results in the opposite effect

like when someone uses the word ‘grandiloquent’ in a sentence.


part of speech: adjective

origin: latin, late 16th century


speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being pompous or bombastic.

related words:

sentence examples:

Even though Rick did not understand the grandiloquent words, he still used them to impress his wealthy friends. 

When I heard the salesman’s grandiloquent speech, I knew he was trying to make the car deal sound better than it actually was.


“i am trying to impress myself. i have yet to do it.”

-shia labeouf

61 responses »

  1. 🤣🤣🤣
    Love your “lofty” message today.
    I recently read a novel that had me looking up
    a word on almost every page!!
    Who knew there was a word for that!!

    Liked by 1 person

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