being empty.


aftermath of our afternoon trip down the river – 2020 style

what started out as a promising enterprise

full of air and up on top

 waylaid by the first set of cascades

day’s lazy dreams dashed against the rocks

so quickly deflated

 yet just as suddenly

floated back up

found a way 

after all

not as planned

this will always be remembered as the year that was

for so many reasons

that taught us how to make it to the end

safety vests strapped on and fingers crossed

even if we had to body surf our way through it

or borrow a raft now and then. 

“there is even rhythm in being empty.”

-miyamoto musashi

45 responses »

  1. Wow! You are a brave soul! Glad you weren’t hurt! When I was in my 20’s I tubed down a river near New Orleans. It got scary but it was fun. I remember that some of us had sunburned legs from sitting with our legs over the rim of the inner tubes. I’ll never forget it. Bet you won’t forget this trip either!

    Liked by 1 person

    • it’s normally not like this, you will have a wonderful time, i’m sure, and just have the right equipment. it was clear we were a bit under equipped. and thank you )


  2. For some reason, I can’t get my computer to click on like for your posts. Otherwise, I would be liking far more of them. Your poems are very uplifting.


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