

herbert smith lived in hawaii in the 1890s

120+ years ago he took pictures of this bay surrounded by palm trees and small shipping huts

here is the bay many years later

on this date in 1959, hawaii became a state

i have yet to visit

but plan to spend time

in a hut

under a palm tree

in hawaii

on a bay

one day.

“coming to Hawaii is like going from black and white to color.”
-john richard stephens





Image credits: Bonhams/BNPS, IPTCDaily Mail, Matt Hunter, Herbert Smith

50 responses »

  1. Kind of sad… the difference in the two pictures. It’s amazing how nothing ever stays the same.
    It looks like you may not be able to visit a hut in Hawaii after all- you might have to settle for a modern day high rise!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. our middle son has lived in Hawaii for several years, so we have been fortunate to visit him a few times. It’s amazing how green things have become over the past 120 years 🙂

    you could not have made up a better quote to go with those pictures…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a difference there is between the two photos!! I have never been but my son has visited Hawaii at least twice. That’s why I have the Albizia tree in my yard. He fell in love with them there and had to plant one here. The get HUGE. Oh my.

    Liked by 1 person

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