

“It is very frus­trat­ing not to be under­stood in this world. If you say one thing and keep being told that you mean some­thing else, it can make you want to scream. But some­where in the world there is a place for all of us, whether you are an elec­tric form of dec­o­ra­tion, pep­per­mint-scent­ed sweet, a source of tim­ber, or a pota­to pan­cake. On a cold, snowy night, every­one and every­thing should be wel­comed some­where, and the latke was wel­comed into a home full of peo­ple who under­stood what a latke is, and how it fits into its par­tic­u­lar holiday.”

And then they ate it. AAAHHHH!!

-Lemony Snicket, The Latke Who Couldn’t Stop Screaming

Happy Hanukah to all who celebrate 



credits: Daniel Handler, Lisa Brown, McSweeney’s Publishing

40 responses »

  1. There is a common Yiddish saying heard this time of year that I think is just a beautiful sentiment, “L’shana toyva tikasevu v’sayḥasemu”, loosely translated as, “You should be written and sealed for a good year”. Happy Hanukkah!

    Liked by 3 people

      • Here’s the answer from the article at

        The pseudonym came as a result of research Handler had to do for The Basic Eight. He used it to contact right-wing organizations to get pamphlets and learn their dogma. One day on the phone, one of the agents asked Handler for a name to send documents to. He quickly blurted out: “Lemony Snicket”.

        The fact that the name rhymes with “Jiminy Cricket” is likely a Freudian slip, since Handler has stated that Jiminy is “exactly the kind of overly moralistic, cheerful narrator who I despise”.

        “It became a running joke with me and my friends; they gave me Lemony Snicket business cards one year, we invented a drink called the Lemony Snicket… And when I started writing the children’s books, and the character of the narrator emerged and my editor and I decided I needed a pseudonym, well, I’d had a pseudonym all along. And now I’m on the New York Times bestseller lists for a book by Lemony Snicket.”

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Okay, you were eating a pear when you read my post and I had a potato pancake today. My neighbor bought one for me because she couldn’t be with her family, so we ate them together over the phone and she had her holiday dinner. 🙂 With applesauce.

    Liked by 2 people

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