say my name.



i recently made a new recipe


finally used my worcestershire sauce!

like finding an old friend

nothing had really changed

  still can’t pronounce your name

still in that familiar bottle

how nice to bump into you

so long until i see you again

whenever that might be.


“i’m pretty sure 2020’s safe word was

worcestershire sauce

and we couldn’t say it right.”


86 responses »

  1. During my 8+yrs in England I learned to say the W-Word: Woostersauce…. it’s easy peasy, like Gloucester = Glaster…. and more.
    Always happy to help 😊 👍🏻🤔😷😇

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Oh wait Beth … … … I just went to check my pantry … Yeah, IT’S there… and bottle “Spring Gully” Worcestershire Sauce, made in ‘Dry Creek, South Australia (est 1946) …

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have a way to remind myself how to pronounce it. I say in my head Rooster and then Sher. Then I know that the rooster is pronounced more like woosta. Also, when I go through this process I never ever look at the bottle or the actual words so it doesn’t throw me off.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve used it all my life. It never gets into the cupboard; it’s always out on the counter. In my family we’ve never removed the entire wrapper. We just tear off the part above the gold neckband. Not sure why, other than it catches any drips.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. My family got it’s first bottle of that when my little brother came home from school with a recipe for sloppy joes from the cafeteria lady. She cut it down by 25% so it only fed 25 people. My mom had to do the rest of the math.

    Liked by 2 people

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