61 responses »

  1. I love that picture, Beth! Cats dancing around the May pole, as we all should do. May is not always a warm month, but it’s a month of change and by the end, we welcome the summer months (I don’t wait for June 20) and start soaking up the sun and warmth before the season changes again.

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  2. Such a whimsical cute pix for May Day. In France you get and hand over a stem of lily of the valley. For a highly allergic person like me it’s nearly a death threat…. 💀
    I DO however love the Dancing around a May pole 🤩

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    • i’m a may pole fan myself, and here flowers left on a doorstep are a traditional gift, though few people do it anymore. when my girls were little, they would bring me flowers picked from my neighbors’ yards )

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  3. I told my wife today about our custom of leaving a May basket on the doorstep where I grew up in the midwest. She had never heard of such a thing. I suspect the tradition has probably died out by now. The way it worked was to put together a little basket of treats, ring some girl’s doorbell that we had a crush on, and run. For the girl’s part, she was supposed to catch up with the scoundrel and give him a kiss. Needless to say, that was one time it paid to be slow.🤣

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