

russian festival day

a little taste of everything

lots and lots of happy dancing

 traditions, tea, wine, beer, language, music, religion, art, history

loved experiencing this culture

 the people so passionate about it

and all so new to me. 

“a nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.”

-mahatma gandhi

52 responses »

  1. This is a country we know so little about…. Relatives of us lived in M for years and we realised how we had opinions based in very few facts. This is one great way of ‘opening’ up minds and hearts.


  2. We have a wonderful multicultural day here in Geelong … called the “Pako Festa”, and many Russians settled here after the War …Sadly because of ‘Covid’ the event was cancelled this year ..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Festivals are a great way to experience different cultures without taking time off work or breaking the bank! We went to a Polynesian festival this weekend and immersed ourselves in all things Pacific island for a few hours. It was glorious! I know our area holds these cultural events frequently. I’d love to visit more of them.

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  4. I read a fascinating book where the author took a train across the entire country…I think the more we can understand them as a people with a culture, and appreciate it, the more we can refuse to allow those in charge to fight about everything.

    Liked by 1 person

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