on the spring equinox.


now is this isn’t a sure sign of spring, i don’t know what is…


“spring makes its own statement,

so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of his instruments,

not the composer.”     

-geoffrey charlesworth

Art credit: Margaret Tarrant – The Fairy Troupe / Spring’s Flowery Cloak. Circa 1920s painting. A female sprite with a blue cloak shepherds tiny fairies and elves, each carrying a spring flower, through the undergrowth. Published by the Medici Society. 

59 responses »

  1. Supposed to be a very springlike day in greater Denver today (60s), but we’ve been getting warnings for two days about the next snowstorm coming in tomorrow. Weather this time of year is always a battle, but Spring wins eventually. The rule of thumb has always been “Don’t do any planting until after Mother’s Day.” I’ll be opening the windows when I finish here.

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