not the light.


when people continue to push the wrong button

over and over and over again

attempting to turn out the light

 opening the garage door instead

it’s clear they need more help

and calls for drastic measures.

they may not be sure what this is

but at least

they are now sure what it is not.


“there is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.”
-sir arthur conan doyle

51 responses »

  1. Sometimes you cannot stop scratching your head. But I like the quote you added, the garage door example may be obvious for most of us but we need to check on the things we need help too to realize some blindness. Great hint, Beth!


  2. I just scrolled through your ‘categories’ list and wondered if using those words (in sequence) might inspire a book? Can’t remember what it was I started out searching… Victims of Rabbit Holes Unite.. 😳

    Liked by 1 person

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