today, as you gather.


“the table is a meeting place, a gathering ground,

the source of sustenance and nourishment, festivity, safety, and satisfaction.

a person cooking is a person giving; the simplest food is a gift.”

-laurie colwyn

may you gather today with those you love to share your gifts.


66 responses »

  1. I assume it’s your Thanksgiving today, eh? Wonderful combo, love it. I do that not once per year but regularly. Last Sunday we had my sis & husband, 2 days earlier a widow, today I sit with another single friend ‘around’ the table….
    It’s a brilliant idea, sharing food and talk, candles and laughter, tears and sorrows – everything bad shared is half the pain and every joy shared is double the ‘good’.
    Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for sharing your joys, laughter and ‘whatnots’ every day with us. Love you, Kiki

    Liked by 1 person

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