

recently went through my training

to work at the polls

in the upcoming elections

primary election – august 6

general election – november 5

with a diverse group of community members

of all political leanings

wanting to help to support the system

a lot of work, training, time, planning, set up, security measures

go into the process

i saw firsthand how much integrity

figures into the equation

and is top of mind

trying to make is as accurate, easy, and accessible to all people

absentee voting, early voting, drop boxes, in person, and mail-in voting options

i feel good about it

hoping people will

 read, listen, talk, watch, question

learn all they can

exercise their right to choose

i’ll be ready for you

and will see you there.

‘every election is determined by the people who show up.’

-*larry sabato


*Dr. Larry J. Sabato is the founder, director, and professor at theUniversity of Virginia Center for Politics. He has had visiting appointments at Oxford University and Cambridge University in Great Britain. A Rhodes Scholar, he received his doctorate from Oxford, and he is the author or editor of two dozen books on American politics.


image credit: shepard fairey

54 responses »

  1. Well done with volunteering for that job, Beth. (I’m presuming it is not paid, but it might be) To keep the democratic process alive, memebers of communities must be prepared to become engaged in it.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. The outcome of an election is important to everyone who votes (and to those who don’t.) But it is the integrity of those who participate in seeing that the process is run freely and fairly that is of vast significance. I am thinking of places where even bringing water to voters standing in long lines is taboo. If only Voting Day were a National Holiday – a day of celebration with all the trimmings! Thanks to you and a cast of thousands who volunteer to bring order to the festival. Dare we dream?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a wonderful way to serve your community and your country. I applied once, a few years ago, and was told that I would need to attend training at the county courthouse, be available to work at any poll within the county (no matter where or how far away) and be available for no less than 14 hours. I could have handled going to the courthouse for training, though I wasn’t overly excited to be in that part of the county for any reason. But I was expected to be at the polling before 7 AM, no matter how far away it was and stay until at least 9 PM, no matter how far I had to drive to get back home again. I am circled by small boroughs and townships, and my fear of having to drive to a larger area I didn’t know made me too uncomfortable.

    I will salute you when the polls open and when the close for your service! And, of course, it would be awesome if you came out with some fun stories to share!


  4. All the bluster about stolen votes and elections is a smokescreen and damages trust in a process that has never been more transparent. Well done, Beth.

    Liked by 1 person

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