Tag Archives: art candy

glitter soup.


‘glitter soup’ from art candy

years ago, when visiting my daughter in australia, i met her friend jenni gray, (the artist behind art candy), and she has remained a friend to both of us ever since. while visiting, we had tea, a tour of the space where her art happens, and she even let me peek into a drawer filled with glitter. as a lifelong fan of glitter, it was like magic, and what could be better?

over the years, i’ve followed her work, and have become the lucky owner of some of her art. jenni works with mixed media creating beautiful whimsical art and cards. when she told me that her recent piece, named ‘glitter soup’ reminded her of me, i was honored.


jenni’s origin story is this: “Art Candy began at art school inspired by a love of language, especially slang, colour and the sheer exuberence of enjoying life !” she has certainly lived up to that and more. take a peek at her work in the link below, it’s sure to put a smile on your face.

Sweetness with soul.



“from soup, comes stars”

what the glitter soup turned into


“if art doesn’t make us better, then what on earth is it for?”

-alice walker

are the lights back on yet?




little one

not today

not tomorrow

may be a while


run and play

many thanks to aussie artist extraordinaire, jenni gray of art candy, for sharing this baby

and to the power company warriors who are working so hard to bring back the light.


art candy!!!

what a lucky find. while visiting my daughter in perth, australia i was delighted to discover that the friend we were meeting for tea was actually jenni, the artist behind the amazing world of art candy. jenni, modestly describes her work as, ‘sweetness with soul,’ and that is an understatement. i’ve admired her work online for quite a while, and am happy to know that others around the world have discovered her. jenni hand-makes unique cards, paintings, alphabets, and other magical delights. while there, i saw her works in progress and was even allowed a peek into her glitter drawer. it was an amazing morning spent with a wonderful, creative spirit. since art school, jenni has been inspired by a love of language, especially slang, colour, and a sheer exuberance for life. if you have a moment, take a peek into her work and her world, through the link i’ve provided. i think you’ll be delighted by what you find.
