Tag Archives: playlist

i know…


setting up spotify

there were many choices

this one or that one?

more of this or less of this?

pass by or play?

i thought i had a cool, eclectic, quirky sense of taste in music

until it was spelled out for me with some such statement:

“it seems like you’ve selected almost all 70s and 80s music.

you’re obviously most drawn to the music of these decades.

we’ll be customizing your playlist to reflect your taste.

what? called out by spotify? did i know that?

did i know that, but was in denial?

did i think i was cooler than i really am?

was spotify judging me?

while i do like a huge range of music

(especially the irish bards and americana)

it’s clear where my musical heart lies.

my taste in music ranges fromĀ 

“here, listen to this”


” i know, please don’t judge me.”

(author unknown)