six degrees of sexton-ation


we discovered last fall, in blog world, that we were connected, through many different avenues,

and mutual close friends. amazingly, we had never crossed paths in real life. until…..


i attended a wonderful and unusual book signing at our local ann arbor senior center,

with guest author, susie sexton.


susie read and offered anecdotes from her book,

and local Roy Sexton, Susie Duncan Sexton’s son,

(known throughout Michigan for his cabaret style performances),

sang some of his mom’s favorite musical show tunes.

they kept the audience laughing and clapping.

and roy was there to support his mother’s wonderful endeavor.


Susie Duncan Sexton – is a writer, political pundit, arts critic, animal rights advocate, (and mother of Roy) – has her own column on Jennifer Zartman Romano’s “Talk of the Town.” The column offers observations of growing up in a small Indiana town – the culture, the anecdotes, the legends, the gossip, the joys, the heartaches – and what Sexton has learned about life ever since. She also writes a column “Homeward Angle” for the Columbia City Post and Mail, and she recently published two books, “Secrets of an Old Typewriter,” and “More Secrets of an Old Typewriter.”


and just yesterday, i attended son roy’s own book signing,

at a new ann arbor local independent community bookstore, bookbound.

and susie was there to return the favor.


as roy shares a piece from his book, about growing up with films all around him,

susie is happily surprised by a shared love of favorite movies,

with yet another closely connected audience member, john.


roy (snarky and smart blogging movie reviewer), sang,

(accompanied by his longtime friend and fellow theater musician, rebecca biber),

and read and answered questions.

and susie was there to support him.


book bound owners, megan and peter blackshear

(former borders bargain book-buyer extraordanaire)

graciously hosted the event

in support of local authors.

they may have to create a ‘sexton section’ in the store.


only open seven months,

this store has brought a much needed bookstore to the north side of ann arbor.


and roy’s first book,
Reel Roy Reviews Volume 1: Keepin’ it Real.
has been making it’s way around the world.


there were so many sextons, so little time……

and i was so happy to be a part of it all,

and in awe of the heartfelt and mutual support shared by all.



Susie’s blog:

Roy’s Blog:

Susie’s author website:

Roy’s theatre group:






80 responses »

  1. What fun- to meet a blogger in person, and attend her reading. What a talented mother-son team.
    Great to have a new bookstore. We just lost our local one due to severe winter flooding- the entire store ruined and the owner can’t reopen, even with insurance payments. Sad.


  2. Just love the character that independent bookstores possess – can’t pass one without going in and buying a “few” treasures. What a great name for Susie’s book…secrets of an old typewriter is pretty genius! Great post showcasing a talented family, Beth. ~Karen~


  3. To the Sextons, mother and son: Bravo! Bravissimo! That’s a great thing for Susie, Roy, Ann Arbor, Bookhound, and the world, Beth. Hey, in Syracuse, there’s a big and vibrant Sexton clan that gave the world Martin Sexton, wonderful singer, guitarist and songwriter who tours the nation and the world. I wonder if they are related, another degree of Sexton-ation?


  4. I have become friends with local bloggers through the blog world first and I think that there is something to be said to it. There is a different mentality we have as writers. Don’t you think? We feel like a family instantly! Kind of like people who connect via certain hobby. Like art or crafts or even flying. I remember when I was much younger and would see a long trailer being pulled behind a vehicle and would see the “soaring” sticker somewhere on their trailer or car and the universal sign is a thumbs up sign so would drive by an give a thumbs up and it was like this instant family feeling. lol. I feel the sameway here. If I met YOU for instance at a party randomly. HOW cool would that be?! Or if someone I knew in my life had a family member that was a blogger that I read regularly I’d be over the moon, I know it. So funny.
    I can imagine what fun this was for you! Thanks so much for sharing! I hope this happens to us all in way or another someday as we continue to click those keys!


  5. I really liked this post! I love local bookstores, am sad our Beehive Books, with its little coffee shop inside, didn’t last. I respect you for taking the time to go to senior citizen’s center, we have an Arbors where I worked for 4 years as an Activities Director. I love this way you are connected and got to meet more people than you expected and not many strangers either! Smiles, Robin


  6. oh, my word! beth is a spectacular person…I love her forever…wow and double wow!!!! she is FAMILY…how did she happen to us? aren’t we lucky? so honored that wonderful beth features me and royboy but the neat part is that she features also the independent book store … and best of all is that she is a master blogger/writer regardless of the subject matter. holy zounds! this is amazing!


  7. Pingback: THIS IS THE LIFE: BLOGS & DOGS! – Misunderstood Gargoyles and Overrated Angels

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