34 responses »

  1. The women seem more impressed by the occurrence than the men. The dark haired girl with the big surprised expression and the undone shoe laces looks like she was particularly taken – she looks like she is going to grow up to be a crackerjack. Ha! The boys look like they are being so cool – “Oh yeah I’ve seen that dozens of times, Ho Hum.” There may very well be a boy likes girl (and vice versa) undercurrent here that is affecting the expressions.

    Really love that photo Beth. Thanks for sharing it.

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  2. It takes a world of views to make it go around. Well, this is not exactly what I wanted to say, but it is so funny how one thing can produce so many different responses. Emphasizing how different we all are in some ways, also how similar we are in others. Hugs to you and those dear children!!

    Liked by 1 person

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