


out walking with the kinders

i come up behind

an unlikely pair

who generally aren’t together,


one who is learning to cope

with separating from a twin,

the other who is having a hard time coping

with separating from a best friend.

the only real separation

is that the friend/twin in each case

wants to seek out other friends

and expand their horizons.

one says to the other,

“i know she wants to play with other people

and when she needs to do that,

i just let her go.

i know it’s what she has to do

and then she comes back later.”

the other responds,

“wow. how do you do that?”

she answers,

“it’s just what you do.”

i am amazed by

this four year-old’s insight and advice,

as many adults

still have not mastered this understanding.

the only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on.

it is never of any use to oneself.

– oscar wilde

image credit: google images

50 responses »

  1. Wow, Beth!” Out of the mouths of ‘babes.’ ” ♡ Wonderful how you allowed this to transpire. I listened along with you to their sharing this rather intrepid move together~ allowing twin/friend to go and grow, then come back again.
    Thank you for imparting their profound transition, Beth.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I soo wish that I had the foresight to have noted some of the things my students said that were both FUNNY and PROFOUND!!! I especially liked this piece, Beth…very nice. So, how goes it w/ the publishing???? Any closer to hearing some good news????? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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