the only emperor is the emperor of ice cream. – wallace stevens.



           ice cream in the snow: dairy queen opens for the season

looking for a sign a spring? like a daffodil peeking out of the frost-covered ground, the dairy queen has removed its shutters and turned on the “open”sign, even as the parking lot and picnic table remain dusted with snow.

the seasonal soft-serve ice cream destination opened for the season on monday, and will operate daily from noon to 8 p.m. – rain, snow or shine – for the time being. once the weather warms up and demand for ice cream intensifies, the shop’s hours will extend.

my advice to you is not to inquire why or whither,

but just enjoy your ice cream while it’s on your plate.

-thornton wilder

credits: jessica w, ann arbor news,



60 responses »

  1. Do you have ice cream vans that play music when they arrive over there? The kids say “why is he playing that tune?” and their parents say “oh that music means he’s run out of ice cream.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My very first job (paycheck-wise as opposed to odd jobs) was at a DQ Brazier. Since it sold fast food, not just ice cream, it was open all year. When I started, I was making 75 cents/hr., and when I left after a couple of years, I was making the heady sum of $1.25/hr.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beth, so cool to see this little Dairy Queen! Ours is, as someone mentioned, an all year round, hot (Brazier) and cold serving chain store.
    In our town, we have two “mom and pop” places, thankfully about 6 miles apart. I like Dairy Point where there are two roads that converge, very good, offers hard ice cream and soft serve, including raspberry tipped swirl. I choose to go there most times. Then there is Dairy Depot. Yummy in their hot sandwiches and malts. We have a “homemade” custard ice cream shop called, Whit’s and two more ice cream chains. United Dairy Farmers who have sales which entice me to go there, Coldstone Creamery, part of Tim Horton’s, who have coupons in Sunday’s paper. Whew! All are now open, but similar to yours, in not too crowded yet! 🙂

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