easy as abc.


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it amazing to watch

as the lightbulb goes on


the transformation begins


those who have long names

quickly learn 

to adopt 

a shorter nickname

that they suddenly really love

(but only when written down)

once they have to 

go through the process 

of writing it all out.

sebastian becomes ‘seb’

elizabeth becomes ‘liz’

anniston becomes ‘ana’

christian becomes ‘chris’

and then

there is always

the one

who gets caught up in the spirit of things


 jumps on

the shortcut bandwagon

just because

like when

kim becomes ‘km’.

“working hard and working smart

sometimes can be two different things.”

-byron dorgan

26 responses »

  1. Km is so cute. Not one to be left out. That working smart is so true. Ha! I had an employee forklift driver who could get way more done,was more efficient, was a safer operator and made no errors than any of my other employees. However Jeff spent a fair bit of time sitting in the shipping office with his feet on the desk and his eyes closed. When I asked him what he was doing he told me that he was planning his day (after he had checked all that he had to load that day). The shipping office was next to mine and had a window facing the main pedestrian walkway for the warehouse. Knowing what was coming, I prepared the statistics for all the shippers – including hours, volume loaded, error rate, absentee rate, etc. Sure enough within a few days who dropped by my office but Mike – my boss’s boss- the head honcho for the Distribution Center.

    Mike: “Paul You have to keep a closer eye on your employees – Jeff is sitting in there asleep at the desk with his feet up.”

    Me: “He’s not asleep Mike, he’s planning his day.”

    Mike: “Tell him to plan his day with his feet on the floor and his eyes open.”

    Me: ” Sorry Mike, I tried that but he says it doesn’t work as well.”

    Mike (switching gears): ” He is wasting time Paul that could be used to get more trucks loaded.”

    Me: ” Actually Mike here are the employee stats for the last quarter. As you can see Jeff gets more done than any other employee; he does it in less time with less errors; and his absentee rate is zero. The numbers are clear. He says that it is because he takes the time to plan his day and so avoids stress, redos, double handling, getting off his machine to count, or ordering more trucks part way through.

    Mike (after examining the stats): “Ohh Paul, can he please plan his day with his feet on the floor?”

    Me: “Actually Mike, I was considering introducing Jeff’s procedures to all the other forklift drivers.”

    Mike (as he gets up to leave): “Please don’t”


    Liked by 2 people

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