


is it my imagination

or are



to look

more human

these days?

“in fact, i have never met anyone who didn’t like gargoyles.”

-keith david

30 responses »

  1. Your fun photo brought up a memory of something that happened when my middle son Brian was about the age of the boy in your photo. As I walked past his second-story bedroom, out of the corner of my eye I saw him begin to drop out of his window. Not fall, drop. I could see that what he was doing was intentional and that he hadn’t seen me, and I knew a concrete sidewalk was below him. I rushed through his room and leapt with my arms stretched toward him as far as they could reach. By some miracle I was able to grab an ankle, and hung on for dear life as I pulled him in. I was so shaken up that I don’t recall what he said as to why he did it. I think it was something along the lines of he wanted to see if he could fly or how it felt to fall through the air. Whatever it was, I recall that he had absolutely no fear, concern, or even thought about what might happen if or when he hit the concrete. He clearly wondered what the big deal was until I finally got through to him as to how dangerous it was.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on A Grateful Man and commented:
    Beth’s fun photo brought up a memory of something that happened when my middle son Brian was about the age of the boy in your photo. As I walked past his second-story bedroom, out of the corner of my eye I saw him begin to drop out of his window. Not fall, drop. I could see that what he was doing was intentional and that he hadn’t seen me, and I knew a concrete sidewalk was below him. I rushed through his room and leapt with my arms stretched toward him as far as they could reach. By some miracle I was able to grab an ankle, and hung on for dear life as I pulled him in. I was so shaken up that I don’t recall what he said as to why he did it. I think it was something along the lines of he wanted to see if he could fly or how it felt to fall through the air. Whatever it was, I recall that he had absolutely no fear, concern, or even thought about what might happen if or when he hit the concrete. He clearly wondered what the big deal was until I finally got through to him as to how dangerous it was.

    With Love,

    Liked by 1 person

    • you are so right, robin. i was dropping off my daughter at her house, and this grandie was sitting outside on the ledge with the window open. i could not stop laughing.


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