have a ball.


i love her final gesture

and it made me give pause –

if i were to go today

i would leave behind the following things for others to enjoy:

$7.oo, a sock monkey, photographs, glitter, collage projects, letters and books.

i hope there is no fighting over the monkey.

“laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.”

-oscar wilde

credits: getty images, mental floss

53 responses »

  1. Mum bet your family were less than impressed by your parting gifts? šŸ˜„
    I’d leave a few bottles of prosecco and wine and a collection of song books so a good night would be had by all and finished off with a sing song.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved how you have Janis and her idea of a gift from the afterlife, while yours really sounds meaningful! I would like one collage project and a photo of my friend. But you know what? You can have one of my art projects and a photo of me, since I’m older! šŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I always take with me the stories of our acquaintance. I lost a friend this past weekend, so have been considering this more seriously (not that I don’t appreciate the idea of people fighting to keep a sock monkey–I do, I really do.) I hope that your friends will cherish you for your glitter and charm as much as for anything tangible they might also desire.

    (Dibs on the monkey, by the way.)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this! You’ve made me think – I wonder what cherished bits I have might find their way to someone else’s heart. I recently read another post about the process of planning for one’s legacy in a cemetery (your last bit of real estate). What legacy do we want to leave? Glitter and a sock monkey sounds like a wonderful statement!

    Liked by 1 person

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