be a good one.


something is lost or wandering.

(*question and response chain on my neighborhood website – mixed in among the recommendations for contractors, giveaways, news and upcoming events)

*Anyone lose a peacock? peahen?
A. C. from Crest/Washington · 8h ago
Was leaving the house a little after 11 maybe and a large peacock or peahen appeared wandering through the Kenwood backyards heading north.

P. V. from Crest/Washington · 8h ago
are you sure it wasnt a turkey?

C. G. from Dexter-Miller · 7h ago
A wild turkey has been seen on the South West Side in the last couple days.

A. C.  from Crest/Washington · 5h ago
 A friend and I were at the end of the drive way when we saw it come through the spaces between the garages and at first I thought I was really losing it because it looked like a vulture perching and then for a split second I did think it was a turkey but it was gone. I swear sometimes you never know in this neighborhood.

S. P. from Crest/Washington · 5h ago
Yes, saw the turkeys last year ( or year before ? ) walking up and around Fair Street near Glendale. I thought there used to be three of them.
J.  S.  from Dicken · 1h ago
Well. I can think of even a few turkeys who think they themselves are peacocks!

image credits: eric carle, pinterest

40 responses »

  1. I once thought I saw a tropical parrot in the field behind my house, so much so that I got my camera for a photo. It was a blue potato chip bag.
    Currently, there is a huge turkey claiming to be a peacock that is getting on my last nerve.
    LOVE that quote!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Bwahahaha!! Reminds me of the neighborhood conversation I saw online about a dangerous coyote that had everyone hysterical. And then someone took his picture and he looked about as dangerous as a teddy bear. He was practically laying back on the lounge chair smoking a cigar and drinking a margarita.


    Liked by 2 people

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