don’t dis my gruntled.


 gruntled on this long weekend.



adjective: pleased, satisfied, and contented


1. after a long walk and a few treats, the dog was gruntled.

2. despite tom sawyer annoying those around him,

he always managed to keep his guardians gruntled.




art credit: ‘roaming cat” – etsy

52 responses »

  1. So many times I’ve/we’ve used words we don’t even know the meaning of. I listened to the pronunciation of gruntle and it doesn’t sound very pleasant or pleasing. lol

    I’m not dissing the word, I’m dissing the sound. ;(

    Liked by 1 person

  2. i only knew disgruntled….. isn‘t that funny? now i‘m glad to know that you can also be gruntled…. great word – the English language has so many ‚telling/colourfully painting/visible‘ words. love it.

    Liked by 1 person

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