‘imagine sisyphus happy.’ – albert camus

digs out the sand with his shovel
as the other
fills in the sand with her feet.
both are happy
both work hard
 continue on endlessly
until it is time to go home.
The Myth of Sisyphus ends with the sentence, “One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” Why must one imagine Sisyphus happy? Because he accepts that there is no point in pushing up the boulder up the hill forever and yet he chooses to do it anyway.

60 responses »

  1. wow, that‘s a lot deeper than I would have expected…. I never thought of sisyphus being HAPPY. it sure sounds like a lot of work for nothing. maybe the kids have found a deeper meaning than we adults can imagine! Thoughts to ponder more.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Like being a plumber … 1st day, we dig a hole in the morning, and in the afternoon fill the hole in … 2nd day, we dig a hole in the morning, and in the afternoon we fill the hole in … 3rd day, we dig a hole in the morning, and in the afternoon we fill the hole in … and so it goes, day after day …

    Liked by 2 people

    • right, but I was just watching each of them, working so hard, ongoing, and other was causing the work to never finish, and they never complained, just kept going


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