heard by the universe.


(my glamour shot after returning from the salon and in full singing mode)

i love that my class

is unaware

that i am not a top notch singer

they are the best audience ever

very non-judgmental and accepting

as i belt out my tunes

and try to get them on board

i often improvise my own lyrics

when i only know part of them


think of something i’d like to add

many times accidentally

creating my own key

it’s all about the gusto

and not so much the skill.

“music in the soul can be heard by the universe. “

-lao tzu





41 responses »

  1. ‘And more, much more than this, I …. sang it my way!’ Sorry, Frank, I had to change it up this morning for Beth. ❤ You keep teaching these kiddos the love for music any way they're able to get it in their head, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I jumped over here after reading your reply on the Chatter Box. As a retired teacher, this rang true to me as well and I enjoyed it very much. Sometimes, when I was in a really good mood I would sing rather than talk to them…kind of like they did in the King and I. They loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well my first thought is ‘Children are very forgiving.’ 🙂
    My next is that a few drinks and I’m somehow convinced that the song I wouldn’t dare sing sober is now wonderful and perfectly in key. And even better those listening who have also had a drink or two agree with me.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your joi de vivre, but not sure this is how it is spelled Joy to Live. . . in the moment, go big or go home type of passion! My It for my special needs classroom wrote I had a sweet voice in her reference letter when I had to retire, trying to get into my area of licensure. I sometimes pull out that letter and smile since my voice sounds like a little kid’s. In 6th grade, my chorus teacher recommended staying in band 😁 and “concentrating on the clarinet” basically suggesting I leave Chorus forever! 🎼

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Universal Soul Sounds | Kevin Barrett's Blog

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