

35 years ago ‘flashdance’ was released

and it emerged again recently

in honor of international dance day

 i loved this movie

 had the shoes, the ripped up sweatshirt, the perm

though my dancing style

was a bit different  

from this welder by day/dancer by night

and i didn’t live in a cool loft

or have an eccentric dog

or ride my bike to work

or look at all alike

but other than that

we were like sisters.

Take your passion and make it happen! #InternationalDanceDay

“let us read and let us dance –

two amusements that will never do any harm to the world. “




image credit: paramount pictures, jennifer beals

46 responses »

  1. Great film; but these days when anyone mentions it, I think first of a scene in the British film The Full Monty, where a group of male would-be strippers watch the film for dance moves inspiration and end up arguing about the quality of her welding. Sooooo funny.

    Liked by 3 people

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