talking heads.



(*This offer recently popped up on my local Meetup Group feed, inviting me to join. It would be one of my worst nightmares. Hopefully, the puppets don’t know where I live.)

‘This group is for anyone who wants to learn to do ventriloquism. After buying a puppet and learning to do ventriloquism, I decided to form this group.We will go through all the basics. I have a guide that will help us and we will follow the lessons. I will only use the skills from the best ventriloquists in the country. This group is something that I have wanted to get together for a long time. This group is open to the public. ‘


“here’s something you never hear:

now that i’ve worked through all my emotional issues,

i’m free to dedicate my life to ventriloquism!”

– dana gould




image credits: google images


50 responses »

  1. I like to think of them as “dummies” rather than “puppets” because of the resemblance to certain humans (like diehard Trump supporters), though of course many people are puppets too. In any case, perhaps if you visited this museum (near where I live), you might come to a greater appreciation of our wooden-headed friends:

    Great post, btw. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, He’s no Jeff Dunham. Ventriloquism is one way to argue with yourself using your spare personality. I had a boss in the 80’s who liked to think he was a Ventriloquist. His children used to tell stories of how he would throw his voice and make them think the dishwasher was cussing them out for not doing the dishes. I think they were scarred for life.

    Liked by 1 person

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