today is may.


may day


“when april steps aside for may,

like diamonds all the rain-drops glisten;

fresh violets open every day:

to some new bird each hour we listen.”

-lucy larcom


53 responses »

  1. a cheery photo and a lovely poem ; of course, down here, down under, we are in autumn: autumn — or Fall as you so accurately call it over there — has its own challenges — buoyant poems about late autumn are harder to write but I’m working on it 🙂

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  2. When I was a kid, we used to have this May Day basket tradition that I don’t hear about anymore. I believe it originated in Europe. We would put a basket of goodies together, leave it on a doorstep, ring the doorbell, and run. I remember that sometimes that person chased after you if they knew who it was. If it was someone you were sweet on, that person gave you a kiss. Seems like a scam to meet girls now that I think about it.😎

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