

these flamingos are playing on both sides of the fence

i wonder if they know they can fly. 




“fences are made for those who cannot fly. ”    

-elbert hubbard

35 responses »

  1. This Fence

    I am quickly nearing this fence.
    An obstacle of a lifetime I see.
    And from my side of this fence,
    The hurdle is too high for me.
    And on the other side of this fence,
    There seems nowhere to land or flee.

    I have arrived at this fence,
    Above the pickets, just grey sky.
    And on my side of this fence,
    The grass is brown and dry.
    On the other side of this fence,
    The grass is green, but still I cry.
    How am I to clear this fence,
    There seems nowhere to go, or get by.

    This fence, all built of stones,
    Breaks my spirit, and all my bones.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Years ago I had a party with a tropical theme and went to find plastic flamingoes. They were NOT easy to find–and we live in Florida!! Then, when I did find a gaggle of them, their little black eyes were all over the was as if the paint was applied with a mini- paintball gun from 40 feet away.. 🤔 I guess I just took quality, plastic flamingoes for a lot of other things in life right now..I’ll never do that again. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I wish I knew how this evolved. Did one neighbor say, “Hey, where did you get those cool flamingos?” Did the other neighbor say, “I’ve got a few spare flamingos if you want some.”

    Liked by 1 person

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