

 when walking downtown

this just sitting on a corner

no palm trees to be found

i wonder

if you are missing your coconut

did you leave it behind

 did you lose it

and not notice?

“in the garden of gentle sanity, may you be bombarded by coconuts of wakefulness.”

-chogyam trungpa

60 responses »

  1. I think we all occasionally find objects in incongruous places. I remember in 1967 finding a disembodied doll’s head on the ground in a small town in the mountains of Honduras. I picked it up and had someone hold it in his hand so I could make a strange portrait.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. LOLOLOL That’s so funny. It is possible that it escaped from a bag and is trying to find a way to freedom. In it’s bid for autonomy it may have rolled as far as it could. The journey over, it waits, to be rescued by loving hands.

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