cookie, cookie, cookie.


“happiness isn’t a fortune in a cookie. it’s deeper, wider, funnier, and more transporting than that.”

-elvis costello


The English word “cookie” is derived from the Dutch word koekie, meaning “little cake.”

Hard cookie-like wafers have existed for as long as baking has been documented. Not surprisingly, they traveled well, too, though were usually not sweet enough to be considered cookies by modern-day standards.

The origin of the cookie appears to begin in Persia in the 7th century, soon after the use of sugar became common in the region. They then spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain. Cookies were common at all levels of society throughout Europe by the 14th century, from the royal cuisine to the street vendors.

Cookies arrived in America in the 17th century. Macaroons and gingerbread cookies were among the popular early American cookies. In most English-speaking countries outside of North America, the most common word for cookie is “biscuit.”  In some regions, both terms, cookies, and biscuits are used.

HOW TO OBSERVE NationalCookieDay

Pick up some cookies at your local bakery and remember to share them with family and friends. Or – make a list of your favorite cookies to bake and enjoy. Organize your baking tools and start your assembly line. Taste as you go.


In 1976, Sesame Street included National Cookie Day on its calendar for the first time. Cookie Monster also proclaimed his own National Cookie Day in the 1980 book The Sesame Street Dictionary. Then in 1987, Matt Nader of the Blue Chip Cookie Company created Cookie Day, celebrating it on December 4th.

73 responses »

  1. It’s very confusing if you, like me, come from the UK where it’s always been a biscuit not a cookie.

    Moving to the USA in the 90’s I had not only to get used to asking for a cookie, but then a biscuit is something different entirely. What you call a biscuit in the USA is a scone in the UK, and usually sweet, served with clotted cream and strawbery jam.

    Gravy in the UK too is usually meaty, mostly beef, and served with a main meal, so when someone asked me what Americans have for breakfast and I replied with biscuits and gravy, well I got a very odd look.

    Liked by 2 people

      • I spent 15 years in the States and even at the end of that time I was still learning new differences between the UK and the US.
        One of my favorites is Fish & Chips which is still called Fish * Chips in the US of course
        But since you call Chips French Fries and call “our” Crisps Chips, I never knew when I ordered Fish & Chips if I was going to get French Fries or Crisps!
        The language differences are so funny, I used to have to think before I spoke.
        My wife still moans at me for saying “Toosday” instead of “T-You-sday”.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. In the UK, we generally call cookies biscuits. A cookie refers to a specific type of biscuit, ie the chocolate chip cookie. Which is all very confusing now that I live in Canada! And then there’s the whole crisp vs chips vs fries to wrap my head around! 😁

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I will mark it on my calendar for next year since I missed it this one. I have my Christmas stash of pfeffernusse and lebkuchen and my daughter made our first batch of choc chip last night. M&M cookies (double batch) went by UPS to my son for Christmas. I think cookie day is the entire month of December but love the idea of it having a special day. Thanks for that tidbit.

    Liked by 1 person

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