

the heat is on and a candyland championship game is in play

my absolute favorite game and the competition is tough 

there is no crying in candyland. 


“life is like candyland, there are many paths to take,

sometimes you run into lord licorice, but the end will always take you to the candy castle.”

-jack barakat




ack Barakat

59 responses »

  1. OMG this brings me back!!! I used to play this game with my little brother all the time. We played so often the board broke in half and we lost some of the pieces 😀 Seeing this makes me want to play again!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The first time this dad played this game, no kidding, a fight broke out. Two sweet girls, caught up in the competition, one using the Queen Frostine card by uncouth means. There were gingerbread men tossed and askew across the board and me, left wondering what I’d just witnessed.

    Liked by 1 person

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