yeti is home.


this baby yeti

who was abandoned and rescued

from a box in a park near the woods

has come home to live with us

named by my daughter

because, apparently 

i talk about yetis a bit more than most people in the world

also because he is furry and white and found near the woods

yeti is sweet and happy and purring and exploring

tomorrow he’ll meet olive.


“and on the subject of naming animals,

can I just say how happy I was to discover that the word yeti,

literally translated, apparently means “that thing over there.”

“Quick, brave Himalayan Guide – what’s that thing over there?”


“I see.”)

 Neil Gaiman

96 responses »

    • i’m sure they’ll both be happy to have a sibling very soon. i tried a few months back with rose kennedy the cat ,but she had a very tough adjustment and her foster family adopted her. yeti is a baby and seems to be instantly adjusting . animals are each unique, just like people )

      Liked by 3 people

  1. In Australia we have a “Bunyip” … The bunyip is a creature from Australian Aboriginal mythology, said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes.
    The bunyip was part of traditional Aboriginal beliefs and stories throughout Australia,

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Purrfect name! (How is that for a lame joke?😜) There’s no turning back now, Beth. One look in those innocent eyes, and you were hooked.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow it was a long way down to comment I had to take the lift. Joking aside I absolutely love the name of your kitty cat, and what an adorable little one it is too. It’s really special when one takes in a stray like that, and I am sure that this cat will be pampered by all of your family. Have a super Tuesday Beth and I am sorry that it’s taken me an age to call by your space. Keep safe.

    Andro x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Among my cats, there was one whose right eye was blue. She was deaf but I played the piano, she stretch on the piano to feel the vibrations. When she heard my going up the driveway, she stood on the window sill. Her name was Chamine. She was so beautiful and affectionate.


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