out of sync.


the design i imagined i would be a part of

more what my part looked like

it was a last-minute impulse decision

my friend who was on our high school swim team

said she was going to join our new synchronized swim team

(now known as artistic swimming in the olympics)

 i thought it sounded like fun

so i followed along ready to become an aqua artist

looking back

not sure at all why i made this choice

as i clearly remember my p.e. teacher

just weeks before

telling me

(after a 10-minute treading water test)

that i resembled someone who had been shipwrecked

thrashing around just trying to survive

(quite accurate really)

 even so

i jumped into the water

where my vision of grace and being a mermaid

quickly blurred into reality

and one reason why you did not see me in the recent olympics.

“sometimes you are in sync with the times, sometimes you are in advance, sometimes you are late.”

-bernardo bertolucci







image credits: google images


68 responses »

  1. This best describes my lack of “Sync” Beth …
    ” I dunno… I feel out of step. Musically. Just out of step, not even behind or ahead. Just sort of like… I dunno, sometimes I feel like I’m still… just not… in sync. I don’t know how to explain it. I just am.” Jeff Buckley

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ha ha haaaaaaa….. I wish I’d be able to add here a lot of smileys but my laptop doesn’t have any of those functions! Your descriptive tale of a missed olymic icon is so refreshing and funny – and I find myself in it in so many ways I didn’t know before! (Swimming was one of my favourite passtimes and now I wonder for months if my awful looking body would offend onlookers too much and by the end of taking a decision, the three minutes of summer have passed without my swimming costume having seen the lake even once!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • so glad you enjoyed it, just another funny misadventure in life. sometimes the best lessons are discovering what not to do.) i’m sure no one would be offended by you or your swimming -)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sometimes I take pride in being out of sync with the rest of the world. I remember when synchronized swimming became an Olympic sport. As a guy who likes physical competition, it didn’t make any sense to me, but I’ve come to appreciate its beauty.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I competed in my first swim meet a year or two before the shut down. My kids had been competitive swimmers but not me! I had to learn how to breathe and dive off the blocks. I was terrified but so glad I dove in. Then I signed up for US Masters Nationals because our coach talked me into it. I came in last place for my age group — but I managed to beat a couple 80 year olds!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: out of sync. – King's Empire

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