still standing.


The lighter penguin is an elderly female whose partner died this year. The darker one is a younger male who lost his partner two years ago. Biologists have followed them as they meet every night to comfort each other. They stand for hours together watching the lights in Melbourne. Photographer Tobias Baumgaertner captured this image of two widowed fairy penguins looking over the Melbourne skyline. It has won an award in Oceanographic magazineโ€™s Ocean Photography Awards 2020.

“at the end of the day, the ones who really matter

will be the ones standing next to you watching the sun set

and assuring you that it will rise again in the morning.”

-ash sweeney





story credit: natureblowsmymind

77 responses »

  1. What a dear and unexpected story! The two of them simply standing together for comfort, and that moving quoteโ€ฆthis will be with me a long time. โ™ฅ๏ธ

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