

the little ones came to school

most for the first time ever

 filling our room with emotion and energy

a few minutes into our day

one had me write

an urgent note to her mom

that read:

“bring the car!”

we’re all tired and mostly all happy

tomorrow we begin again.

“be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”

-meister eckhart

78 responses »

  1. That note is hilarious. Last evening I attended an open house at my grandson’s preschool. Isaac seemed overwhelmed in a small room crammed with classmates, parents, siblings and grandparents. This grandma felt overwhelmed, too. Still, I was impressed by what I saw, including a community garden right outside his classroom window. I wanted to rush out and pluck the ripe tomatoes.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Another school year and another chance to meet innocent cherubs just learning their way in this thing called life and know that you will have an impact on shaping how their steps begin to fall upon that path. I wish you and these sweet young’uns a year of adventure!

    Liked by 2 people

    • absolutely, it is very short-lived, today was already so much better and my little one who struggled the most, had a long conversation with me about apple cookies today and joined the group happily after a very short time

      Liked by 1 person

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