discovery shopping.


(not me, but a baby who shops with my same level of fervor as she fills her cart)

i love the adventure of shopping at t.j. maxx

walking in, not knowing what kind of treasure i’ll find

one can never enter

looking for a particular thing or size

you have to keep an open mind

 be willing to discover as you go

i don’t enjoy regular shopping

but this

is almost a sport

a discovery scavenger hunt

going up and down the aisles

 filling my cart

with all kinds of things i didn’t know that i needed

or that they even existed

like the stuffed duck with four legs

the vintage style pink baby reindeer with white snow glitter

and a pinecone falling off of it

a very soft blanket with woodland creatures and plants

a sweater that is my exact favorite shade of green

the thai chili and lime bath soap

i cannot believe that no one bought these treasures before i arrived

it’s all a matter of luck and timing!

“a discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind.”

-albert szent gyorgyi

70 responses »

  1. There are 2 discount chains in my area that I love because they offer foodstuff not available in mainstream stores. I’ve tried many tasty items at a reduced price. Just discovered a brand of hummus that is now my favorite.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, “a discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind” Exactly. TJ Maxx is fun. I haven’t been there in an eternity but I remember many times looking at something and thinking, “Huh? WTF? I think I need this.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve always avoided T.J. Maxx because I’m a world class discoverer of things I didn’t know I needed. Unfortunately, computers plus Amazon and Etsy are even worse since I don’t have to overcome any initial inertia to get started. That quote is a classic!

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