at death’s door.


last summer

when my computer went all black

and stayed that way

i took it to my local computer nerds

who miraculously resuscitated it

but gave me a grim prognosis

‘living on very borrowed time’

so i ordered a new one

while waiting for the old one

to finally go in peace

but it continued to limp along

until a couple of weeks ago

when i saw the above message

‘more than 10 hours to charge it – while plugged in’

until finally

it read

‘not charging’

i took mercy on it

we’ve been through a lot together

it knows all of my secrets

my ups and downs

 has given its all

 after a fond farewell

pulled out the new one

not as familiar

but we will soon be

a team

as we begin again.

“on the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key.”

-scott adams

76 responses »

  1. My first (2001) laptop was still working well when I tried to insert the charging plug the wrong way round and broke the connector. I bought a PC instead in 2012, but placed the laptop in its case in the loft. One day, I will get a computer shop to download the hard-drive onto a memory stick.
    One day…
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s usually a tough time to familiarize yourself with the new machine. All the best Beth. I hope you become good friends. BTW, I’m sharing the note you shared in your post yesterday in my today’s SoCS. With thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so good at breaking computers (the most time I’ve ever had one work before being broken was less than 4 years) that I now do a back-up stick about every three months so that at least I won’t lose EVERYTHING when (and it’s when, not if) it permanently crashes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That moment when your new computer roars to life out of the dying shell of your old machine—with all your old friend’s memories and associations but with many times its former power and speed and memory — and you find yourself jealous of a laptop.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I switched over to a Mac in September. I was frustrated by the sneaky background downloads that slowed the PC laptop. Gave up Windows and have been learning ever since. Still have stuff on laptop, but if I don’t need it, it’s gonna stay. Have fun with you new Mac, keep on creating.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Beth,
    My 2nd and 3rd computers, I spent top dollar and bought for the future. They each lasted over 5yrs (closer to 8yrs). Since then, I’ve bought just what I need for now and then doubled the RAM. This has served me well as I never fill my hard drives and rarely use the PCs / laptops / tablets for any “real” computing – and they still last 5+yrs! I blog, read (mostly blogs and news), facebook (soc-med), and watch vids (YouTube and streaming). It’s ALWAYS a pain changing over to new kit because you don’t need something until you need it NOW and by then you’ve forgotten locations, setup and passwords. LoL!! In other words, I’m feelin’ ya, girl… I’m feelin’ the pain! LoL!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A poignant moment of farewell. My hubby is holding on to his …. It takes 2 hours to warm up in the morning and has to stay plugged in.
    He bought me a new one so I have multiple devices now, but he still can’t give his one and only one up. I can feel a tragedy coming on ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. A dying laptop is worthy of a poem. I remember when my old Dell Latitude finally threw in the towel. Twas a sad day. Now, ten years later, my MacBook keeps warning me: service recommended. I’ll keep steering this mighty ship until she has no more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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