new sheriff in town.


if i had to be a sheriff

i would like to be the kind

 who rescues people

who fall in the water

run out of gas

get lost

need help

love sticker badges for their kids

i would not like to be the kind

who pulled us over one summer on a lake

because we were guilty of:


i would rather be one

who throws frisbees to people on the beach

like the one we met on the weekend

who likes music and smiling and dancing.

‘if time were the wicked sheriff in a horse opera,

i’d play for riding lessons and take his gun away.’

-w.h. auden

60 responses »

  1. This type of community building is an important aspect of the job. It helps change the stereotypical notion of overzealous law enforcement officials. Much like teachers, I know the good ones far outweigh the bad ones.


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