Hello, I am the mother of grown daughters, with grandchildren galore, an enthusiastic dater, a lover of the arts, a teacher, a cupcake maker, a Twister and Trivia champ, and most of all, a keen observer of life.  I enjoy being a part of the twists and turns that occur while wandering through everyday events. Many of these happenstances leave me asking, “Why?”  While I have been told, more than once, that the reason things have or haven’t happened in my life is because I had no glasses on, rest assured that even if I did have my glasses on, the answers would quite often be unclear. This site is simply an observation, and while blurry at times, an honest attempt to make some sense of it all. Enjoy the ride – Beth


699 responses »

  1. There is nothing that works like enthusiasm. Love what I’ve read so far. You verve for life is inspiring. Thanks you so much for stopping by Paper, Mud and Me and liking “Give Me A Break” Also thanks for following – I will be following you also. – Aloha _

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi there! I’m Rob…that’s how I started my bio. Boring compared to this! You sound like a fun person with a great outlook on life. I wish you great days…and thanks for the visit to my little “corner.”

    Take care,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Alright K

    i just did a search of your whole site for the five most widely used swear words. I have determined that this is a swear fee zone. I did this so that i can respect and adhere to the standards that seem to be currently in place. I find it best to behave myself and follow the rules.

    As you know I have a different set of standards on my own site. Nice of you to follow me in spite of them. You should feel free to misbehave all you want on my site though. That is a bennefit I extend to everyone thanks a lot.

    Glad we met.

    Liked by 1 person

    • damn it tom – trust me, i can swear like a sailor and find that there are times when there are no better words to express something that needs to be said. i really don’t adhere to any sort of ‘non-swearing’ standards, self imposed or otherwise, they just haven’t popped up yet in my writing for some reason. looks like i have some serious catching up to do! i have no problem misbehaving, and have a natural tendency to resist rule following, consider this a warning…. nice meeting you too ) beth

      Liked by 1 person

    • @beth, even though you are lacking a last name, i do believe we have a lot in common. i look forward to reading more from you and thanks for reading mine. ) beth – the other one


  4. Pingback: That’s a tasty award | thematticuskingdom

  5. Pingback: sun shining through the June gloom | thematticuskingdom

  6. Beth, thank you for always being so supportive of my blog. I do wonder how you are posting pictures in your blog posts? I must be a moron because I cannot figure it out! Any pointers from you is appreciated. Peace blogging sister.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yw – as for the pics, i am the worst person in the world when it comes to tech, it is not intuitive at all. when posting on wordpress, i first click the button that says text and it loads ,then i choose the photo option and it asks which pic. i have placed the pic on my desktop and the pics there pop up and i choose the one i want. somehow it works, and i know this is not a great explanation, but the best way i can describe my process. kind of like a monkey with a keyboard approach )


  7. I can’t begin to thank you enough for stopping over and following my humble blog-o-thing! I wish you the very best, not only today but well into the future. Be inspired and please take care.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I always enjoy a good ride my friend,
    actually I should re-phrase that or it could
    seem a tad naughty 😦 Ahhh well best to
    leave it ‘As Is’ being that sometimes I am
    just that, but never uncouth 🙂

    Have a lovely rest of weekend now 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wonderful collection of followers! I like what you said about clarity of vision. We are similar in some of the things you listed, I have 6 grandkids with 3 grown children, one who is still single. I love looking at life in a fun way, try to see the positive and I don’t bake nor cook anymore. But I make dips and macaroni salad, other things the kids ask me to bring. Oh, my chipped beef cream cheese logs are well received with triscuits and whole wheat crackers or pita crisps… I love cupcakes and go out of my way for that or ice cream!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: About | akleslieprice

  11. hey there!

    Thank you for following my blog a few mths ago! I just wanna share with you that I have recently changed host (nearly died along the way 🙂 ) and if you like, please come again to my blog and you can type in your email address as with the change in host from wordpress, new posts will not get delivered to your email address like the last time.

    So if you like posts to get delivered to your email address like the past, you have to type in your email again. It only appears in your reader now, so if that works for you, then it is ok.

    thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Holy Cow! I nominated you for another award, which is probably leaving you feeling like… gosh, another? I just noticed through all these comments how many awards you’ve received so feel free to ignore this if you’d like but I did write a pretty nice blurb on why your blog is awesome if you want to read it:

    Who has been honored? Why me, of course!

    If you’d like to participate awesome, if not awesome too! Just know that us bloggers out here really appreciate what you do!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi, Beth, you won the drawing for a signed copy of Katrina Kenison’s “Magical Journey.” Now I just need to connect with you to send it to you. Let me know best way to get it to you. You can reach me by messaging me on Facebook (Betsy Donovan Marro) or direct messaging me on Twitter at EGMarro@twitter.com. Thank you so much for stopping by my site and for taking the time to comment on this week’s post. I am doubly grateful because now I know where your site is and I’ve enjoyed what is there very much. I’ll be back! Betsy

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Welcome! Thank you for subscribing to follow my blog. I hope you are encouraged, inspired and enjoy the photos I take of life’s events as seen through the lens of my camera.

    Liked by 1 person

      • That means a lot to me! We all need “smaller portions” on that plate of life sometimes…

        I’ll bet there are a number of people who are very appreciative about how many things you do each day…

        Enjoy your day and don’t forget to “pamper” yourself sometimes…



  15. Good blog, really good biography piece. “Enthusiastic” is a huge word, prolific context. Appreciate your honesty, ” … happenstances leave me asking, “Why?” … been told, more than once, that the reason things have or haven’t happened in my life is because I had no glasses on, rest assured that even if I did have my glasses on, the answers would quite often be unclear.” There is authenticity and intentionality about seeing and searching. I am looking forward to following your blog. Peace, T

    Liked by 1 person

  16. thanks again jen. happy you liked it, never sure what to put on that page, but decided to just do me and it is what it is – and tis true, i am surrounded by granbabies galore )


  17. I just wanted to say a big thank you for your kind thoughts upon my scripts, you are too kind as always but I certainly appreciate your thoughts on my writing. Have a really sweet day today my great friend, Monday’s can be really awesome too, regardless of the many that do not enjoy this day, I mean if we are of good health and filled with optimism, then every day can be wonderful.

    I sincerely hope that your Monday is a lovely one Beth 🙂

    Andro xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Brilliant introduction. Holistically, using every available known rubric blessed by “they” of the “Common Core,” I would assess this reflective summary as one that exhibits a mastery of the state standards for gravatar readiness, and definitely will “race to the top.”

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Glad you liked “brain search,” Beth. Thank you. I read your declaration above once again, including your question as to the “why” of this (or any) life. It reminded me of the most important thing I learned during four years of college – that I don’t know ANYTHING. I don’t think there are any answers, only questions (the main one being “why”). We can’t win. The best we can do is lose as gracefully as possible.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Beth,

    I love your picture ;0) Your enthusiasm and joy for life are at once beautiful and hopeful. I smile every time I get a like to see your smile.

    It’s been a bit of a ride, a rough year over here. Your words of encouragement though, have helped me to see the light in even the most darkest of rooms.

    Thank you for all of your ongoing support and for reading so much of my work. People like you are what keeps me going. Your presence in my life is such a blessing. Forever, for you, I will be grateful ;0)

    Wishing you the best of holidays with a wonderfully joyful start to the new year.


    Liked by 1 person

  21. thanks so much, marissa, for your very kind words, it is my hope that each person helps another in some way, perhaps unknown, but does, none the less. happy holidays and a wishing you a year with an easier ride ) beth


  22. Hi Beth, Thanks for stopping by…your little guy is absolutely adorable, and yes, he’s definitely headed for Saturday Night Fever territory! Will stop back soon–Happy New Year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • hi ermigal – i think that right after you comment, just below, there are 2 boxes you can check to get email notification if wanted or at the very top of the page, on the black band, there is an option to check if you’d like to follow. thanks for coming on board and i hope it works for you ) best, beth


  23. thank you so much, that is really kind. and i love that kid, too. ) happy mark connected us, i love his writing. i look forward to reading more from you as well – best, beth


  24. Faithful Beth–First you should steady yourself with an appropriate beverage to get over the shock of my visit/likes/comments/follow today. I have over 500 followers, so I can’t possibly visit or follow all of them every week. Every once in a while, though, a quiet, familiar gravatar will catch my eye, and I’ll think, “It’s WAY past time that I should pay a return visit.” Today was “Beth” day. Rather than it being a chance to bestow my approval on a blogging friend, my visit showed me how much I have been missing by not visiting and reading several posts before.

    I love your blog. I love it’s positive, uplifting voice and the way you delight in the simple pleasures of life. I NEED your blog. Of the couple of dozen blogs do follow, I have the posts for almost all of them arrive as a weekly archive on Saturday morning, when I have the whole weekend to browse the accumulated posts. I only have the posts for a couple of blogs arrive on a daily basis, because they feed my spirit. I will now read your posts on a daily basis.

    I can’t promise to comment or leave a like every day, but I will see each new post in my inbox as soon as you post it, and I will read it that day. Thank you for all the times you’ve “been there” for me, without expecting anything in return.

    Bless you, my friend,


    Liked by 1 person

  25. Greetings from New England [again!] I stop by and get a charge from your pursuits. I agree with you in that life’s most simple, most fundamental pleasures are often the most satisfying. Keep that plasma energized! And as well, thank you much for visiting my blog..!

    Liked by 1 person

    • minuscule – thanks so much and happy to find someone in my clan, i appreciate your dropping by to read and follow and i will return the favor. looking forward to reading your words – best, beth


  26. Hey Beth, I love your blog and have nominated you for four amazing awards. Of course, you do not have to participate and I completely understand if you would prefer not to, or do not have the time to, but if you are interested in participating, just follow the link below.


    Apologies if it isn’t something that you’d be interested in but either way I hope you stay in touch. Lydia

    Liked by 1 person

  27. It took me like forever to scroll all the way down here, Beth… girl, you got a LOT of followers! Want some more? 🙂 haha!! just letting you know I have nominated you for a string of 3 awards (you may already have some of them, I don’t know) – feel free to accept any or all of them (or not) – it’s up to you, really. I have included links to your blog from my post in any case. I totally understand if you are too busy/overwhelmed/bored/can’t be bothered to share the love forward, but I figure cross-promotion and the possibility of new traffic to your site can’t be a bad thing in any case. But if you don’t want to, that’s perfectly fine… no offense taken, and I surely hope none given! You know I’m a huge fan of yours either way! 🙂

    Here’s the link… have fun! http://motherhendiaries.wordpress.com/2014/04/22/you-mean-people-actually-read-this-stuff/

    Mother Hen

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award | Cooking with ayesha

  29. Good morning Beth. I’m enjoying reading your blog. I started my own in 2014 and am just beginning to get the hang of it. I write humorous tales on life’s daily stuff. You capture life in such a unique way. It is encouraging to me that you take time to do this so beautifully. I look forward to following your lead.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thank you lisa, that is so kind of you to say. it is an ever-evolving process, and i’ve just learned my style over time and through a trial and error process. best to you on your new endeavor – beth


  30. Hi Beth, Just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for a whole heap of awards – The sisterhood of world bloggers, the inner peace award, the angel award, the wonderful team member readership award and the wordpress family award. You can find out more at http://irenewaters19.com/2014/05/19/awards-galore-inner-peace-angels-award-sisterhood-wordpress-family-and-more/
    Hope you will accept. I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated your visits, your posts since meeting. Cheers Irene

    Liked by 1 person

    • wow, thank you so much irene. this is very kind of you to nominate me for all of these lovely awards. and i’ve appreciated your posts as well – best, beth


  31. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award | Cupid or Cats

  32. hello there and thank you for your information – I have certainly picked up
    anything new from right here. I did however expertise some technical points using
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    sure you update this again soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Just thought I’d drop in to say that I know I’m not around WordPress much, but I do notice your consistent visits on my blog and I really appreciate it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Dear Beth,
    I can’t believe that it’s taken me so long to hop over here and learn more about you. I always see your comments on Ned’s blog and saw one this morning on Sheena’s. You always make me laugh and smile and I’m so sorry that it’s taken this long to come find you. Hope you don’t mind if I come back and visit 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  35. Hi Beth,
    Your blog is refreshing and I enjoy your “simple observations”. Sometimes those are the best. I look forward to following you! I am the mother of 4 grown daughters, a 9 yr old, one granddaughter and another on the ways. There are days when blurry vision is the gift. 🙂
    Have a great weekend!!

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Hi Beth, I am wondering if you would be willing to do a review of my just-published book, “Pretend You Know What You’re Doing: My Voyage from Teacher to Humor Writer.” There’s a lot about teaching and finding the humor in life’s struggles…thanks for considering it. Ermine 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  37. That would be great, Beth. I can mail you a copy if you send your address to me at ermigal.verizon.net. I appreciate it very much! 🙂


  38. Thank you so very much for the “like” on my recent post about the Antikythera Mechanism at First Night History. I am working on a book-blog of my own, which can be seen at [one word] theoryofirony.com, then clicking on either the “sample chapter” or “blog” buttons at the top. My Rube Goldberg brain asks with an odd, well-caffeinated kind of logic: Why is there an inverse proportion between the size of the print and the importance of the message? Art. Literature. Science. Military. Religion. I call this eccentric thinking the Theory of Irony and if your busy schedule permits, give a read, leave a comment or create a link. In any event, best of luck with your own endeavors. Again, thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  39. Pingback: All the Awards | Cupid or Cats

  40. Hi Beth – I have enjoyed reading your blogs but one thing that always make me smile when your post pops up was your blog title: ididnthavemyglasseon! No fail seriously as it reminds me of a friend using not having her glasses on to escape just about anything. LOL

    Is there a story behind yours?

    Liked by 2 people

  41. thank you so much, folake – the origin of my blog name is somewhat similar. my daughters once commented that the reason that things did or did not happen to me, was due to the fact that i didn’t have my glasses on. and, done. ) beth


  42. Pingback: I am | Debauchery Soup

    • thank you so much, lucie. yes, and i have 6 little grand babies, from those 3 grown daughters. you made my day with your kind words. thanks for reading and i look forward to reading and following yours. i’m happy to have crossed paths – best, beth


      • Ditto! I look forward to following you and some of your fellow bloggers! You’ve got some “fellow funny fella’s” (and gals, too!) :)p I need to be workin’ on that menpausal midriff of mine!!! You (and your 6 grand babies) put me to shame!!!!! If I don’t connect with you before the Christmas Holiday, I hope you and your little bambinos have a great holiday!!!!! And thanks for the follow, Beth. I appreciate it. Hope you enjoy my weekly silliness!! There’s so much “crazy bad” going on around us some days, that I think we need to laugh (every day!) and pay that kindness “forward”!!!! :)p

        Liked by 1 person

  43. I deeply appreciate teachers. I was one for 31 years. I guess I still am one… at least, I still say very important things to people who don’t listen because they are sneaking looks at their cell phones or are preparing the next spit-wad for the back of my head with just the right mix of grossness and boogers. I was a junior high teacher. Can you tell? And I miss it. Thanks for blogging about things near and dear to my heart. I love your insights… and when you don’t have your glasses on… your out-sights.

    Liked by 2 people

    • thank you for your kind words and your years of service as a teacher. i do think junior high would be the most challenging for me. i’ve noticed people say that to me too about being a kindy teacher, but lucky there are some of us just made for each level. i’m so happy you are enjoying the blog, and the feeling is mutual. best, beth

      Liked by 1 person

  44. I don’t know where to comment on your post, but I enjoy them and it is always good to hear from you. So glad you liked Fairy Tale Gone Bad. Thanks again and Aloha – pjs/

    Liked by 2 people

  45. Hi Beth, I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award. I learned from a fellow blogger to offer a bouquet of flowers for those who are not accepting awards or are too busy at the moment. Your blog is refreshing and yes, you really make some everyday things funny, which is a gift!

    Liked by 2 people

  46. Pingback: The Creative Blogger Award with added rule-breaking | CUPID OR CATS

  47. Pingback: Love in Ten Lines — Challenge | Mark Bialczak

  48. As I read your About page, everything went a little blurry after I read Cupcake maker! lol Thank you so much for following my posts and I wanted to say I enjoy dropping by and reading yours as well!

    Liked by 2 people

  49. Hi there Beth. You have been liking my posts and supporting my site for a while now. But I just want to say that it’s a fine and interesting site you have here, clearly one you are very invested in and enthusiastic about; that shows very clearly.

    Thank you for all of your support.

    Liked by 2 people

  50. I nominated you for the “Real Inspiring Blogger Award!” YAY! 🎉The “to do” list for this award is pretty easy, you basically just pass the award on to ten of your favorite bloggers. 😘 The “logo” and cut’n’ paste directions are on my home page at the bottom if you’re interested. 🔆

    Liked by 2 people

  51. Hello there! I just wanted to say that you have an incredible blog, and I enjoy reading what you have to say. I also think your writing is insightful, refreshing, and apt!

    Liked by 2 people

  52. Hey Beth! Would you add a line to our 1 Line Story? It’s turning out pretty fun. I’m about to post it. No obligation, but I thought you could add a good twist. Have a great day.

    Liked by 2 people

  53. Great bio and I too need to wear glasses at times and do I curse when I forget them..ha ha and as I am the wearer of flip flops for 80% of my life and just bare tooties for the remainder ..best stories come from flip flop wearers 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  54. I wish you the upmost happiness in finding the excperiences and answers you seek Beth. I love nothing better sometimes than to go to a festival and watch people. We are so interesting, or at least most are.

    Joy to you Beth

    Liked by 2 people

  55. Pingback: An Invitation to “ksbeth” | Dan Alatorre - AUTHOR

  56. I know that life things-disappearing-into-hyperspace-life all too well. Love your blog and attitude. I love your cat, too. I had a similar burned pot experience the other night, but I turned off the gas and left pot on the stove until morning. At least you weren’t hurt. I learned to leave over-heated pots alone after a pressure cooker exploded in my face. Fortunately, my glasses saved my eyes. All better now.

    Liked by 2 people

      • That’s “Katharine” with an “a” in the middle, like Katharine Graham, Katharine Hepburn, Katharine Ross, and Katharine Otto, my grandmother. In distinguished company am I.

        It is my pleasure to follow, and I appreciate the reciprocity. I worked in the Ypsilante prison for three months many years ago. Lived in Milan, MI. Visited Ann Arbor once, but I saw nothing fun happening. Check my folk art pictures (a couple of blogs ago) for one of my favorite “lawn art” photos.

        Liked by 1 person

    • well, i’m eastern time, so it’s a bit better, but i wake up at 5 every day to go teach kindergarten, so if i wake up early, i just go with it. looking forward to gardening soon, i’m teaching my kinders all about farm to table eating.


  57. You know, I feel I have to comment. You are such a faithful follower and encourager, ksbeth!

    Thank you for being on the Internet! (Production note: Sarcasm = zero here.)

    Wait… serendipitous enabler?? Ha!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t know how to tell you this, but in some cultures causing someone to laugh-spit liquor all over their laptop is a sign of great respect! In fact, in West Virginia (and parts of the Amazon jungle), we’d be “de facto” married by now.

      So… That’s the bright side? Right? We don’t live in either of those places!


      Liked by 1 person

  58. I really like how your blog is so differently set out, it really stands out among the blogs i have come across, being new here and trying to learn from others i have definitely have some benefit by passing by and staying tuned for more from you. I just started out , would you mind checking my blog ?

    Liked by 2 people

  59. Hi Beth! Love the way you capture life with its strange twists and turns. Your sense of humour makes each post an enjoyable read. Glad to have found your blog and look forward to reading your posts – when the weather’s blue. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  60. Well….I tried to find your email address, but I can’t, so…..anyway, I wanted to take a minute and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your active following since I started writing. I have no idea where you get the time or energy to read me (yes, I know…I am a bit wordy”!!), but you do and you always comment. I am honored, humbled and so, so appreciative of your stead-fast loyalty and “follow”, Beth. Where a busy teacher and grandmother gets the time to read my silliness, I have no idea, but thank-you, Sweetheart….thank you from the bottom of my heart…. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  61. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger Award – Tookii

  62. Thanks for always coming by my blog (I have to even scroll very long list of comments to make it to this point!) =)! It really gives me the hope and courage to believe in something and to continue doing it. Bless you dear friend!

    Liked by 3 people

  63. Holy shit, Beth! I often (like almost always) don’t read the “About,” because I like to know readers and bloggers from their writing, not what they put out there. I hate my own “About.” So much harder to write than most blog posts. What matters? What do I want people to know… but I really enjoy your writing, and decided I had to peek. 1) nearly 700- SEVEN HUNDRED- likes!! Whoa. I’ll never get there. Never. 2) a GRANDMOTHER galore?!?! That cracks me up! Every time I see your gravatar in my feed, I think you’re about 30, sometimes younger. I think, she’s so cool to be such a good writer, such a lovely reader, etc and so young! Damn, lady, you just blew my preconceived notions to hell! See, there’s a reason I don’t read “About.” 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  64. Hi Beth. I’ve seen your comments so often on blogs that I love, especially in the early a.m. hours, which is my time for blogging. Sorry that it took me so long to come and visit yours. I’m loving your blog, you say so much in so few words…perfect. Same for your bio. And you live in Ann Arbor ? One of my favorite places, I spent a lot of time there while living in Jackson back in the 80’s.

    Look forward to exploring more. Would be proud to follow. Van

    Liked by 2 people

  65. Loved your about statement! I am so glad to get to know you, better than before! I found a couple of seeds of inspiration from your statement that I’m going to have to deposit in my Word Bank. I will let you know if anything Blossoms!

    Liked by 1 person

  66. Pingback: Versus: Worst Film Adaptation (Novel) – The Matticus Kingdom

  67. Hi, Beth–

    Thanks so much for commenting on my Mother’s Day blog post (https://barbtaub.com/2018/05/13/a-mothersday-cautionary-fairy-tale-humor-plus-contestfree-autographed-paperbacks/ ). It was part of a contest, and I’m delighted to say that you were the winner. Your prize is an autographed copy of my book, Life Begins When The Kids Leave Home And The Dog Dies.

    I’d be delighted to post it to you if you can give me your mailing address. Also, please let me know if there’s anyone you’d like me to name when I sign the book.

    Again, thanks for stopping by my blog!
    –Barb Taub

    Liked by 2 people

  68. As someone who is registered blind, I can relate to your comment about what may (or may not) have happened had you been wearing your glasses. I am sure that I don’t pick up on visual clues, body language etc. However, having said that, one can gain a lot by listening to tone of voice etc.

    Kind regards, Kevin the

    Liked by 2 people

  69. Pingback: #Women2follow Wednesday – My Namastè 365 Online

  70. Very funny domain name! You’re bio was really interesting. So tell me, what’s an enthusiastic dater? I’m going to read a little more, and maybe I’ll follow.
    Lol 👍

    Liked by 1 person

  71. Hi Beth,
    For the past couple of weeks we’ve been writing about how we’re simplifying our life – and we invited you to share your thoughts on the subject. The response was wonderful! Thanks so much.

    We loved reading your real-life experiences and have included them in our next post with a shout out to you and link to your blog. It will be published next Monday, July 29.

    Thanks again. You made our day!
    Terri & James @ gallivance.net

    Liked by 2 people

  72. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – Friday October 4th 2019 – Pete Springer, Beth I Didn’t Have my Glasses on, and Janet Gogerty | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  73. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – Friday October 4th 2019 – Pete Springer, Beth I Didn’t Have my Glasses on, Janet Gogerty and Jim Borden | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  74. Pingback: Are YOU wired for fairness? – The Endless Weekend

  75. Hi Beth,

    I had tried contacting you some time ago because your name was drawn from among those who visit and comment on my blog, Platform Number 4. I used the gmail address through WordPress, but maybe you no longer use that one? Anyway, would you rather receive a $5 e-gift card from Starbucks or from Amazon? And please let me know the email address to which I should send that.

    Thanks again for visiting and commenting on my blog!


    Liked by 1 person

  76. Pingback: Day 2814: A Day of Ordinary Miracles | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

  77. Pingback: My Review of 5 Successful Writers – Life is Curious

  78. Hi. I’m a new visitor to your site and have been enjoying your posts. I’m glad to see you’ve remained an Optimist, and with a good sense of humor.
    Unfortunately, my optimism has been fading like the Yankees pennant chances, which is why I call my website An Optimist in Dreamland. Check it out if you’re interested in humorous short essays on nature and stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

  79. Pingback: I’m going to remember this. – Live & Learn

  80. Just wanted to drop a quick hello. You have a wonderful blog. Great content. I also wanted to personally thank you for following my blog, booksandbevs7 on wordpress. I’ve decided to expand my social media footprint and have entered the worlds of instagram, pinterest, and tiktok. For more bookish content, literary discussions, and entertainment, you can now follow me on IG: @booksandbevs7 , pinterest: booksandbevs7, and tiktok @ginnymalbec. Thanks again. And happy reading.


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