Tag Archives: fish food




ks, my colleague and friend across the hall

was thinking ahead


preparing for the school year

when ordering the food

for her classroom’s fishtank.

there were two size options available.

hmmm… she thought,

i may as well get the one

that looks just a little bigger

it costs just a little more

 but i won’t have to buy it again

until later in the year.

once it arrived,

much to her surprise

it was a gargantuan version

of the little fish food jar

we’re all so used to seeing.

it kind of looked

like an overblown prank prop.

but it was real.

i think it will last quite a while.

i think it may outlast her little fish.

and even if she retires in 30 years,

it may outlast her teaching career.

it may be her legacy.

most things in life come as a surprise. – lykke li