Tag Archives: oreos

‘c’ is for breakfast.


after spending the night at daughter #3s’ house

i woke up early at my usual farmer time

everyone else still fast asleep

hunted and gathered food items from their kitchen

soon realizing i had put together a ‘c’ themed breakfast

that was quite satisfying –

coffee with cream, chocolate cookies, cheetos cheese things, computer

i believe all food groups were well represented.

i know this guy might think that ‘c’ is only for cookie, but —


“health food may be good for the conscience, but oreos taste a hell of a lot better.”

-robert redford

the math and science of oreos.


“researchers in the u.k. have developed

a vegetable called ‘super broccoli’

designed to fight heart disease.

not to be outdone,

researchers in america have developed

a way to stuff an oreo inside of another oreo.”

-jimmy fallon