Tag Archives: peaceful

pura vida.


my home away from home

in the rainforest on the caribbean side

water, more water, water from the sky

crocs, orchids, trees, coconuts, mangoes, sloths, monkeys, birds

rice, beans, fish, bananas, coffee, veggies, guava, papaya,


pura vida

The term “Pura Vida” is an expression of happiness, optimism, and living life to the fullest.  It is impossible to visit Costa Rica without hearing this phrase continuously.

As a question, it is equivalent to “how are you?” As a response, it means “very well.”

Curiously, the person does not necessarily have to be very well — the greeting arises automatically because, deep down, its meaning is: “I’m glad to see you and that makes me happy”.

it is also used to say goodbye:

it is the equivalent to saying “yes” to any question and used to say “you’re welcome” or “it’s nothing”.

regardless of the context, Pura Vida is always expressed with enthusiasm, sympathy, gratitude and motivation, because it emerges from the soul.

Pura Vida is an expression so embedded in the culture of Costa Ricans that no one would suspect that it may have arisen from a 1956 Mexican movie with the same name.  The phrase is used by the protagonist throughout the film to refer to good people and beautiful things or situations.

Ticos (people native to Costa Rica) adopted the term, morphing it to a distinct meaning yet with varied manifestations. It is now so ingrained that it is used by different generations and is part of Costa Rican mainstream culture and identity. More than just a term, it’s a lifestyle.

open society.


 powerful messages found everywhere


“in an open society, no idea can be above scrutiny, just as no people should be beneath dignity.”

-maajid nawaz


grand trunk pub, detroit, michigan, usa -2020




 am – peaceful walk in the woods

 pm -peaceful protest on the streets


day 1, 99 to go.

“there may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. “

-elie wiesel

win the sky.


this tree

so stately so old

appears to have a face

when up close

quietly watching

over those resting below

“the tree is more than first a seed, then a stem, then a living trunk, and then dead timber.

the tree is a slow, enduring force straining to win the sky.”

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Wisdom of the Sands, translated from French by Stuart Gilbert



while spending the better part of a morning

at the salon

and at the having my hair washed stage

a woman I’ve never met

hair in foil for highlights

wrapped in a black robe

walked up

and stood before me pointing

 then proclaiming,

to the entire salon:

“now here is a woman who is contented and relaxed,

taking 10 minutes, all for herself!”

something about my demeanor

must have given me away

for she was spot on.

“contentment is the only real wealth” 

― albert nobel



image credit: google images

find something.


here was what I found:

  1. a fairy house in the woods
  2. a handful of wildflowers
  3. a pine bough
  4. birds
  5. meadow grass
  6. quiet beauty
  7. a heart-shaped stone
  8. stone steps to sit on and watch the river

what have your found that you are grateful for?




image credit: simpleacres

summer’s quiet.


came upon this peaceful man 

sleepy with quiet thoughts

on a quiet noon

spent in bandamer park

ann arbor, mi. usa


“summer quiet thoughts on summer quiet noons.” 

-ray bradbury, now and forever